While the painting of Uzgrim's all-Marauder Orc army has been on hold of late -- pushed out of the limelight by a move to second edition Blood Bowl -- I've been keeping my eyes out for the few Marauder Orcs I'm missing and this last week I've picked up two which are sufficiently odd to deserve sharing here. May I present, Orc 9 and Orc 17 from the November 1988 Mail Order Flyer...
Orc 9 is a curious chap, mainly because he appears to be from outer space (more specifically, from the Warhammer 40,000 universe).
His fate in my Warhammer army remains undecided. He either (a) hides discreetly in the middle ranks of a large unit of Orc warriors, or (b) he stands proud as a time-travelling Shaman whose magics are perhaps simply the result of his high-tech equipment. Votes please...
Orc 17 is a classic. Here he is:
His 'axes-akimbo' stance appears to be based on Jes Goodwin's classic Chaos Warrior Slambo which was released, I think, in 1986 (though I'm unsure as to the respective dates at which these two were sculpted so that's pure speculation - perhaps someone reading knows?). There's just one odd thing - he's tiny - think 'large goblin' and you'll have it about right (that's a 20mm base he's on there). Small though he is, I think he's fantastic. What he lacks in stature he makes up for in chutzpah and he's destined for the front ranks.
There are still a couple of Orcs missing from the ranks so the hunt continues...